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Blutstein Swiss Pairs - SAM ARBER / HOWARD SILVER
  Match Opponent Imps VPs Cum. Rank
Blutstein Swiss Pairs - Round 1GAYLE BAGG / LOUIS CUKIERMAN (16) 14.89 14.424
Blutstein Swiss Pairs - Round 2LES AJZNER / MICHAEL DOREVITCH (18) -1.11 9.707
Blutstein Swiss Pairs - Round 3COLIN JASPER / ALLAN HARDIE (14) 10.78 13.305
Blutstein Swiss Pairs - Round 4STAN ROSENTHAL / HARRY PROCEL (19) -17.00 5.148
Blutstein Swiss Pairs - Round 5KIM HOFF / ARIE MEYDAN (11) 3.68 11.207
Blutstein Swiss Pairs - Round 6LAURA GINNAN / EVA SAMUEL (7) 28.89 17.484
Blutstein Swiss Pairs - Round 7GEORGE LOVRECZ / STAN KLOFA (2) 0.78 10.305
Blutstein Swiss Pairs - Round 8KITTY MUNTZ / LEIGH GOLD (1) -22.33 4.047

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