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Vic Online Pairs - Championship 1 (27-May-24)
Place Result % Pair Name Red pts
1195.0 65.00% Martin WILLCOX - Justin STARK (3)1.35
2192.0 64.00% Colin JASPER - Maryanne BIRD (8)0.95
3180.0 60.00% Neil EWART - Simon HENBEST (1)0.68
4162.0 54.00% Penny CORRIGAN - Maggie CALLANDER (11)0.45
5156.0 52.00% Gulzar BILAL - Mohamed GHATWARI (5)0.34
6148.0 49.33% Arie MEYDAN - Trevor HALEY (12)0.27
7142.0 47.33% Meredith WOODS - Shirley COLLINS (2) 
8137.0 45.67% Pete HOLLANDS - Eva SAMUEL (10) 
9126.0 42.00% Lisa YOFFA - Melroy DECOUTO (6) 
10125.0 41.67% Kitty MUNTZ - Kim FRAZER (4) 
11119.0 39.67% Alison FARTHING - Kae FRENCH (7) 
12118.0 39.33% Ken ANDERSON - Lindy ANDERSON (9) 
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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