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Victorian Team-of-Three (August 2024)
Results after 6 of 6 matches
Place Team (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 MUNTZ (3)91 89.716-0-04.23
2 EWART (18)97 86.844-1-13.03
3 HINGE (13)64 78.714-1-12.48
4 PHILLIPS (11)60 69.284-0-21.89
5 FRAZER (16)33 68.863-0-31.42
6 WILLCOX (7)10 64.043-0-31.28
7 HUGHES (8)11 63.623-1-20.84
8 JACOBS (5)9 62.043-0-30.72
9 MACREADY-BRYAN (17)11 61.583-0-30.72
10 SMART (10)5 61.333-0-30.72
11 WEISZ (4)-4 59.623-1-20.84
12 YOFFA (2)-1 57.702-0-40.48
13 KAT (1)-15 57.533-0-30.72
14 BECKETT (14)-20 54.753-0-30.72
15 LOVRECZ (6)-35 48.172-0-40.48
16 ARBER (12)-114 37.632-0-40.48
17 FENT (9)-98 30.431-0-50.24
18 BIRD (15)-104 28.160-0-6  
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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