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Victorian On-line Teams (August 2024)
Results after 12 of 12 matches
Place Team (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 SAOUD (7)210 176.639-0-37.00
2 FRAZER (5)204 172.4410-0-25.90
3 EBERY (11)166 164.0310-0-24.99
4 EWART (2)103 146.648-0-43.68
5 HOUSE (12)68 141.979-0-32.43
6 CORRIGAN (8)-39 111.185-1-61.48
7 BERLINSKI (6)-65 107.266-0-61.62
8 YUILL (9)-55 102.604-1-71.22
9 WRIGHT (10)-122 87.103-0-90.81
10 BIRD (3)-158 77.813-0-90.81
11 COOKE (1)-159 76.492-0-100.54
12 MUNTZ (4)-153 75.851-2-90.54
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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